
I’m JT. I’m currently a PhD student in Astronomy at Cornell University working with Professor Dong Lai. My broad research interests include how protoplanetary disks can affect the evolution of early planetary systems and reveal clues about planet formation.

Stratton Mountain

In my free time, I like to build keyboards and make my computer look pretty (here are my dotfiles). I have a passion for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Linux, and I’m a huge Emacs nerd.

Before Cornell, I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Chicago in Physics and Mathematics. At UChicago, I was a member of the Flash Center for Computational Science, where I worked on proton radiography and laser plasma simulations with Professors Petros Tzeferacos and Don Lamb. Over the summers, I worked with Dr. Hui Li at the Los Alamos National Laboratory studying how dust coagulation affects ring morphology in protoplanetary disks

The picture above was taken in an old firewatch tower on top of Stratton Mountain, VT during prime leaf peepin’ season.